Miley Cyrus Reveals That She Hiked To The Hollywood Sign In Heels.

Miley Cyrus Reveals That She Hiked To The Hollywood Sign In Heels.

Miley Ray Cyrus , the American singer , songwriter and actress has revealed to the world that she actually hiked to the Hollywood Sign to take a photoshoot for her brand.

The flowers hit maker has shown her immense love for flowers as it did not only earn her her first Grammy awards but made her willing to walk all the way to the top of the Hollywood Sign for a photoshoot for Gucci Flora Fragrance.

Miley who has been the face of the Gucci Flora family since 2021 has helped the brand with the introduction of a new scent. Which is Gucci Flora Gorgeous Orchid Eau De Parfum.

The introduction of the new scent , comes with a magnificent campaign. The campaign was held on the top on the Hollywood Sign with a bed of roses layed , to express the wonderful fragrance capture in the Gucci Flora Orchid Parfum.

Miley to show her enthusiasm , hiked gracefully from the flat ground all the way up to the top of the sigh in beautiful heels.

She revealed this to Vogue in an interview. She said ,”When I told my godmother , Dolly , that I hiked to the top of Hollywood Sign in heels , she said, ‘Honey , I do everything in heels'”.

To many the Hollywood Sign means stardom and the accomplishments of dreams. So Miley hiking to the top of the Hollywood Sign means a lot to many people and also shades a positive life on the new Gucci Flora Parfum.

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